We understand the need for your server to always be online..
And that’s why we offer in house DDoS protection using Corero devices as standard to all customers, ensuring you are ready prepared for an attack.
Unlike many providers, Fraction Servers operate a dedicated “scrubbing centre” to actively filter malicious DDoS traffic, whilst some providers will simply switch off or “null route” the IP under attack all of our customers benefit from on demand DDoS filtering as standard.
Our scrubbing centre utilizes Corero mitigation devices which are the most powerful DDoS mitigation engines available and our unique algorithmic architecture is designed to provide a very high assurance of passing good traffic while mitigating bad traffic protection against all 25 classes of DDoS attacks.
Our onsite scrubbing centre provides comprehensive layer 7 filtering for upto 200Gb/s or 128 million connections.
Uptime of Fraction Servers Scrubbing Centre in 2020
Average time for our automated systems to detect and mitigate an attack for customers with standard "On Demand" protection.
Largest Attack Size Fraction Servers Mitigated in 2020
We use industry leading filtering and detection devices from Corero all of which are housed onsite.
For those customers with "always on" protection we provide advanced attack vector and traffic statistics.
Always On DDoS Protection
On Demand DDoS Protection