Adaptec RAID Monitoring
This article explains the software used with Adaptec Microsemi RAID controllers and commands on how to use them, at Fraction Servers we use some legacy 6405-E controllers and also 8405-E controlllers. This guide focuses on CentOS (RHEL), VMWare and Windows RAID Monitoring.
CentOS for Adaptec RAID Controllers
The following set of commands will install Adaptec RAID Monitoring on CentOS servers:
cd / wget unzip chmod +x linux_x64/cmdline/arcconf cp linux_x64/cmdline/arcconf /usr/sbin/arcconf
You can then run the following command to show the disks and RAID status:
/usr/sbin/arcconf getconfig 1
VMWare ESXi for Adaptec RAID Controllers
You will need to perform this in the datastore directory.
df -l
Then go to datastore directory.. Otherwise you will not be able to unzip the zip file.
cd /vmfs/volumes/datastore1 && mkdir raid && cd raid wget unzip chmod +x linux_x64/arcconf cp linux_x64/arcconf /usr/sbin/arcconf rm -rf /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/raid/* /usr/sbin/arcconf getconfig 1
Windows Server for Adaptec RAID Controllers
Download the following file to your servers desktop and launch the installer:
You can then run the following command to show the disks and RAID status:
C:\raid\arcconf.exe getconfig 1