How to Install mytop on a cPanel Server
MyTop is a useful linux MySQL monitoring tool. It is good for troubleshooting slow database or database connection problems.
Installing mytop
To install myTop on Cpanel server, follow the below steps:
1) Install Required Modules
/scripts/perlinstaller --force Getopt::Long /scripts/perlinstaller --force DBI /scripts/perlinstaller --force DBD::mysql /scripts/perlinstaller --force Term::ReadKey
2) Install myTop
wget tar xvf mytop-1.6.tar.gz cd mytop-1.6/ perl Makefile.PL make && make install
3) Configure myTop with the server’s root mySQL Password
Create a file for the myTop configuration:
nano /root/.mytop
Enter the following:
user=root pass=<your mysql password> host=localhost db=mysql delay=5 port=3306 socket= batchmode=0 header=1 color=1 idle=1
The root mySQL password is different to the mySQL password for the server and be found in the file below:
To start the tool, simply execute the command: “mytop”
You will see the output similar to this: